Jun 10, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

This article needs to be posted up on billboards across the UK, screened on the TV before the news, posted behind presenters of inane chat shows, printed on t-shirts to be sold in all major retailers who made money out of it all.

Most people in the UK *still* don't know what went on, still think the measures were necessary because the virus was lethal, still think anything that went wrong was all "because of Boris and people like him", still think the jabs were/are "safe and effective" and still don't understand that the economic mess, NHS mess, child mental health mess and all other messes are a direct result of the whole Scamdemic.

None of them would recognise the similarity with Orwell's book because they all believe they live in a free and liberal democracy.

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

Extreme authoritarian regimes Left or Right are indistinguishable as they operate under a similar principle and that's totalitarianism.

It's interesting how when each extreme political ideology reaches a heightened form of repression it's hard to tell them apart. They merge and become like the heart and mind of one body functioning only to sustain itself.

What's really worrisome, is that worldwide totalitarianism can occur if populations are roped into extreme political ideologies by clever hustlers who know how to "manage different crowds" by appealing to everyone's desire for a better life. However, the distinctive or even contrasting messages by what appears to be opposing mobsters eventually leads "everyone" into the same inescapable

cattle car.

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

recently I learned that down under on an Tasmanian Island existed a huge prison. They invented the solitary confinement as a "more humane" method to break a human being, instead of beating them up. Now the prison in ruins, the australian citizen Julian is in solitary confinement in London since 5 yrs, dor exposing war crimes. How erratic can systems be to let this happen?

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Jun 10, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

Just "Thank you" for being on the right side of things... which is much more profound than these simple words appear to convey.

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