A few months back it was revealed how the government drove the British nation into irrational fear of the coronavirus, using outright lies and massive propaganda. Ministers claimed their decisions were based on science, while in fact they were simply politically motivated without any regard to people’s well-being. They spied on those who doubted their unprecedented repression of human rights and used political maneuvering to suppress their opinions and arguments. They fined and jailed people for breaking their absurd regulations which, as was clear from the very outset, were set to do much more harm than good.
Last month, people protesting the monarchy were arrested and taken into custody, in a clear breach of the right to free expression.
MP Andrew Bridgen was recently expelled from the Conservative party for raising awareness to the devastating consequences of the government’s Covid-19 vaccination campaign, of forcing people to accept useless and harmful injections and then refusing to investigate the consequent surge in excess deaths.
And now, Australian journalist Julian Assange is set to be extradited to the US for publishing the truth about American war crimes in Afghanistan and Iraq, without his case even being heard by the High Court. By its treatment of Assange the British justice system has shown itself to be worse than useless when it comes to the protection of the right to free expression, the fundamental right on which a free and open society rests. The precedent has been set for jailing journalists for publishing any information leaked to them and inconvenient to the authorities. Such a situation is the wet dream of every dictator, socialist and fascist alike.
INGSOC was the abbreviation for English Socialism, used in George Orwell’s “1984”. We can hardly call a right-wing government socialist. But the behaviour of the British authorities and judicial system shares the same principles of authoritarianism, dishonesty and utter disregard for basic human rights, underlying any repressive regime, left-wing or right-wing. In the end there is little difference between INGSOC and INGFASC.
This article needs to be posted up on billboards across the UK, screened on the TV before the news, posted behind presenters of inane chat shows, printed on t-shirts to be sold in all major retailers who made money out of it all.
Most people in the UK *still* don't know what went on, still think the measures were necessary because the virus was lethal, still think anything that went wrong was all "because of Boris and people like him", still think the jabs were/are "safe and effective" and still don't understand that the economic mess, NHS mess, child mental health mess and all other messes are a direct result of the whole Scamdemic.
None of them would recognise the similarity with Orwell's book because they all believe they live in a free and liberal democracy.
Extreme authoritarian regimes Left or Right are indistinguishable as they operate under a similar principle and that's totalitarianism.
It's interesting how when each extreme political ideology reaches a heightened form of repression it's hard to tell them apart. They merge and become like the heart and mind of one body functioning only to sustain itself.
What's really worrisome, is that worldwide totalitarianism can occur if populations are roped into extreme political ideologies by clever hustlers who know how to "manage different crowds" by appealing to everyone's desire for a better life. However, the distinctive or even contrasting messages by what appears to be opposing mobsters eventually leads "everyone" into the same inescapable
cattle car.