But the final confirmation the story is genuine must be the recording of the executive attacking the reporter after he was told what had just happened to him.
Excellent article. The notion put forward that this was some kind of 3-D chess orchestrated sting operation to discredit Project Veritas or the skeptics is nonsensical in the extreme. As you point out elsewhere, if the end goal was to discredit Project Veritas and other skeptics, why would they now be making such a great effort to censor this video? It seems like they'd want as many people as possible to see it and see how "gullible" (?) Project Veritas is. Instead, the Powers that Be are panicked that many millions of people ARE seeing this video. Anyway, the Machiavellian "sting operation" completely backfired.
(i) the guy doesn't look., smell or feel like an executive at ANY major corporation....he talks and dresses as if he is from a shelter for the homeless with at most a high school degree. Maybe George Floyd's degenerate son but not a legit executive IMHO. Most likely a plant to sabotage Veritas. Brian O'Shea's internet sleuthing doesn't convince me; just kidnap Walker and apply enhanced interrogation techniques to get at the truth.
(ii) even if he is legit, he isn't talking about something that has happened or has been decided, but only about something some group at Pfizer is discussing among themselves as a possible avenue for increasing future earnings. I am sure even more atrocious ideas are being ventilated within other corporations on a daily basis.
We increasingly do see dubious people in senior roles at corporations of all sizes - diversity and inclusion gone wild. I do agree that I have worked with many black folk and many gay folk that would be a million times better than this guy....but it's often the emotionally stunted that kick and scream enough to get the roles they don't deserve
"We increasingly do see dubious people in senior roles at corporations of all sizes"
I agree, it's one of the reasons that I am leaving the software industry. Put all political issues aside, I've notice an extremely high level of mental illness compared to regular blue collar jobs (construction, civil engineering, etc). People with severe anxiety, depression, paranoia, etc. Just one example: I recall a coworker who took two days off to recover from a minor disagreement on a Slack channel. That's not normal. The software field attracts a lot of people who are good with computers and not good with anything else.
I would imagine biotech has some of the same issues these days. What is surprising, however, is that this guy is not a biochemist or computational biologist, but a physician. The clinical courses in medical school should select against graduates with poor social skills, impulsiveness, lack of control over emotions, etc. Getting in is mostly a matter of memorization, but the clinical coursework is something else.
" the guy doesn't look., smell or feel like an executive at ANY major corporation."
You have never worked in Silicon Valley. He absolutely dresses like anyone at a big tech firm. I've been out at team lunches with VPs and engineering directors who dress exactly the same way. There's no reason to think the younger employees at the biotech companies haven't absorbed some of that culture. After all, everyone is copying the horrendous Silicon Valley open-layout office style, etc.
The most disturbing thing is not that Big Pharma is manufacturing viruses for which they will manufacture the 'therapies' but that corruption is becoming normalised. Where are the gatekeepers of ethics and morality?
Let's not distracted. Even if both videos were staged (unlikely given the then quality of acting and subsequent Google scrubbing) it wouldn't matter.
The content theme is entirely credible.
The main character (incompetent, emotionally stunted, lacking morality) is entirely believable and consistent with many of the folk that have caused untold harm and therefore a "natural" for a senior Pfizer official.
The "directed evolution" is fully credible and consistent with the quasi-religious approach that led to application for (and granting of) EUA for the vaccines prior to any credible evidence of effectiveness or safety.
The reaction in the second video is fully consistent with the psychoses and reactions we've seen from folk such as Trudeau, Jacindra, Macron and even to some extent Fauci.
So, an independent investigation into Pfizer is needed irrespective of any doubts cast on the videos.
I watched both videos and don't think they were a set up. That guy was in full panic. A cornered animal that did not know what to do, striking out at a cameraman and trying to destroy the tablet Mr. O'Keefe had as if that would make the video disappear.
Fact checkers do not have a very good record for being right or honest, summed up as "Who are you going to believe, me or your own lying eyes?
When the Eucharist is said to protect you from plague, no-one wants to give up their faith.
As long as the fault line lies on the intersection of vaccines and SARS-CoV-2, nothing like this can ever become visible to the Covidians. I continue to struggle with how to reposition this whole sorry mess in order that we might get past it. Stay wonderful!
The total amnesia about BigPharma is global and weird. On the other hand, people seem to quite enjoy being slightly ill with various chronic conditions which involve taking medication. Other than thalidomide, nobody ever says much about dodgy medication here in the UK - the assumption is that the Americans who take opioids are just "taking drugs" because they can buy their prescriptions.
projectveritas is not a good source of information..
"..funding for Project Veritas comes from anonymous donations through Donors Trust ..backed by the Koch brothers ..$25,000 in 2011, $922,500 in 2015 ..$1.7 million in 2016 ..$4 million in 2019..": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Veritas
Ex-pharmaceutical research and development (R&D) industry executive Sasha Latypova has produced a concise essay on why we should all be slightly wary of the claims of the executive.
Being dude is a doztor, er, doxtor, I read , explains why many will never see one again,
Lawyers are worse, if that is possible, as they literally don't have to even go thru these cartwheels, tis no need to give any result, and they literally put folks in jail, like me.
When I ran for mayor against Gavin in 2007, they put me in jail and took my business away.
I was forced to get the lawyer I'd refused, by the judge. Carol Yaggy, as all judges, have to be lawyers first.
What if the doxtor can literally put you in jail, like the lawyer did to me?
I think straight up executiion is way more humane than the solitary confinement lockdown I got in 2007, and the rest of the world 3-11-2020.
They called me the terrorist.
Now folks may finally rethink where terror really comes from.
And, relates to war, a short substack poll in mine of you have the seconds to answer, please do.
Links via next to my name.
Thank you God for my life, for them to toy with, until this sad time
Excellent article. The notion put forward that this was some kind of 3-D chess orchestrated sting operation to discredit Project Veritas or the skeptics is nonsensical in the extreme. As you point out elsewhere, if the end goal was to discredit Project Veritas and other skeptics, why would they now be making such a great effort to censor this video? It seems like they'd want as many people as possible to see it and see how "gullible" (?) Project Veritas is. Instead, the Powers that Be are panicked that many millions of people ARE seeing this video. Anyway, the Machiavellian "sting operation" completely backfired.
Two things:
(i) the guy doesn't look., smell or feel like an executive at ANY major corporation....he talks and dresses as if he is from a shelter for the homeless with at most a high school degree. Maybe George Floyd's degenerate son but not a legit executive IMHO. Most likely a plant to sabotage Veritas. Brian O'Shea's internet sleuthing doesn't convince me; just kidnap Walker and apply enhanced interrogation techniques to get at the truth.
(ii) even if he is legit, he isn't talking about something that has happened or has been decided, but only about something some group at Pfizer is discussing among themselves as a possible avenue for increasing future earnings. I am sure even more atrocious ideas are being ventilated within other corporations on a daily basis.
Thanks. On the first point, don't be fooled by appearances. He is young, he is black, but he is articulate and sounds like an educated person.
On the second point. I agree. He is discussing their plans, or possible plans.
We increasingly do see dubious people in senior roles at corporations of all sizes - diversity and inclusion gone wild. I do agree that I have worked with many black folk and many gay folk that would be a million times better than this guy....but it's often the emotionally stunted that kick and scream enough to get the roles they don't deserve
"We increasingly do see dubious people in senior roles at corporations of all sizes"
I agree, it's one of the reasons that I am leaving the software industry. Put all political issues aside, I've notice an extremely high level of mental illness compared to regular blue collar jobs (construction, civil engineering, etc). People with severe anxiety, depression, paranoia, etc. Just one example: I recall a coworker who took two days off to recover from a minor disagreement on a Slack channel. That's not normal. The software field attracts a lot of people who are good with computers and not good with anything else.
I would imagine biotech has some of the same issues these days. What is surprising, however, is that this guy is not a biochemist or computational biologist, but a physician. The clinical courses in medical school should select against graduates with poor social skills, impulsiveness, lack of control over emotions, etc. Getting in is mostly a matter of memorization, but the clinical coursework is something else.
" the guy doesn't look., smell or feel like an executive at ANY major corporation."
You have never worked in Silicon Valley. He absolutely dresses like anyone at a big tech firm. I've been out at team lunches with VPs and engineering directors who dress exactly the same way. There's no reason to think the younger employees at the biotech companies haven't absorbed some of that culture. After all, everyone is copying the horrendous Silicon Valley open-layout office style, etc.
The most disturbing thing is not that Big Pharma is manufacturing viruses for which they will manufacture the 'therapies' but that corruption is becoming normalised. Where are the gatekeepers of ethics and morality?
Let's not distracted. Even if both videos were staged (unlikely given the then quality of acting and subsequent Google scrubbing) it wouldn't matter.
The content theme is entirely credible.
The main character (incompetent, emotionally stunted, lacking morality) is entirely believable and consistent with many of the folk that have caused untold harm and therefore a "natural" for a senior Pfizer official.
The "directed evolution" is fully credible and consistent with the quasi-religious approach that led to application for (and granting of) EUA for the vaccines prior to any credible evidence of effectiveness or safety.
The reaction in the second video is fully consistent with the psychoses and reactions we've seen from folk such as Trudeau, Jacindra, Macron and even to some extent Fauci.
So, an independent investigation into Pfizer is needed irrespective of any doubts cast on the videos.
I watched both videos and don't think they were a set up. That guy was in full panic. A cornered animal that did not know what to do, striking out at a cameraman and trying to destroy the tablet Mr. O'Keefe had as if that would make the video disappear.
Fact checkers do not have a very good record for being right or honest, summed up as "Who are you going to believe, me or your own lying eyes?
When the Eucharist is said to protect you from plague, no-one wants to give up their faith.
As long as the fault line lies on the intersection of vaccines and SARS-CoV-2, nothing like this can ever become visible to the Covidians. I continue to struggle with how to reposition this whole sorry mess in order that we might get past it. Stay wonderful!
great sting operation. Shame its necessary, but it is.
The total amnesia about BigPharma is global and weird. On the other hand, people seem to quite enjoy being slightly ill with various chronic conditions which involve taking medication. Other than thalidomide, nobody ever says much about dodgy medication here in the UK - the assumption is that the Americans who take opioids are just "taking drugs" because they can buy their prescriptions.
projectveritas is not a good source of information..
"..funding for Project Veritas comes from anonymous donations through Donors Trust ..backed by the Koch brothers ..$25,000 in 2011, $922,500 in 2015 ..$1.7 million in 2016 ..$4 million in 2019..": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Veritas
"..Gravitas Maximus LLC ..also funded the conservative outlet Breitbart..": https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/josephbernstein/conservative-megadonor-robert-mercer-funded-project-veritas
"..worked for a year at the Leadership Institute (LI) in Arlington, Virginia ..column on Breitbart's website, BigGovernment..": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_O%27Keefe
Wherever the funding may come from, the question here is whether the video is original or not. Nothing else.
the pfizer ceo brags about making the covid variants on cnbc..
"..data ..we got from ..pseudovirus ..that we have constructed in our labs ..identical with the Omicron virus..": https://cnbc.com/2021/12/08/cnbc-transcript-pfizer-chairman-and-ceo-albert-bourla-speaks-with-cnbcs-squawk-box-today.html
"..Pfizer CEO: Three Covid shots..": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0CIkR4b6JFs
"..The Big Lie..": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XWo64c3Ypgo
Ex-pharmaceutical research and development (R&D) industry executive Sasha Latypova has produced a concise essay on why we should all be slightly wary of the claims of the executive.
Being dude is a doztor, er, doxtor, I read , explains why many will never see one again,
Lawyers are worse, if that is possible, as they literally don't have to even go thru these cartwheels, tis no need to give any result, and they literally put folks in jail, like me.
When I ran for mayor against Gavin in 2007, they put me in jail and took my business away.
I was forced to get the lawyer I'd refused, by the judge. Carol Yaggy, as all judges, have to be lawyers first.
What if the doxtor can literally put you in jail, like the lawyer did to me?
I think straight up executiion is way more humane than the solitary confinement lockdown I got in 2007, and the rest of the world 3-11-2020.
They called me the terrorist.
Now folks may finally rethink where terror really comes from.
And, relates to war, a short substack poll in mine of you have the seconds to answer, please do.
Links via next to my name.
Thank you God for my life, for them to toy with, until this sad time
Our soon to be president, the vice skamala had dropped those charges initially, but someone told her to reinstate....who did that?