Mar 25, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

Using concise language to describe unpleasant things is now bad manners. A friend of mine died last week. Today there will not be a funeral, but a "celebration of life." Used to be if you were going to a celebration of life, it meant somebody was having a baby or a birthday or an Easter egg hunt. If you said you were going to a funeral, everybody knew exactly what had happened, just as they knew exactly what you meant when you said "Uncle Billy is fat."

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Obesity is an affliction mostly correlated to low socioeconomic status. So trying to normalize it means siding w the Big Agro-Processed Foods industrial complex against the world’s poor - mostly in affluent countries where the only affordable food is highly processed, low in nutrition, empty calories.

If you look at videos and images of African Americans before the industrial food complex took over nobody is fat, let alone obese. I was watching an excellent documentary by Questlove called “Summer of Soul” about the 1969 Harlem Cultural Festival where for a bunch of great musical performances where there were audiences of over 50,000 mostly Black people. Other than the great music, what struck me most about the film was that EVERYONE WAS SKINNY. It was astonishing because now people think there’s some kind of inevitable correlation between race and body shape, whereas historically you see it has to do w access to fresh nutritious food vs. fast processed food.

How “liberals” can side w the fast/processed food conglomerates against poor people of all races is beyond my comprehension

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Either the liberals are in on a conspiracy or they're just very silly.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

Strange isn't it? I am quite a thin lady 5'5" & about 7 1/2 Stone. No one seems to bat an eyelid when they say to me "you're thin arnt you"? strangely enough, this is normally said to me by fat people. Can you imagine the horrified look on their face if I said "you're fat arnt you"? Strange World!

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You wouldn't say it to them because being fat is negative. Being fit is positive so saying you are is a compliment.

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I suppose psychologically, I take their comment to me as a negative because I would like to have a bit more weight on me? I have Coeliac Disease so I have an enforced non processed food diet. They do do GF processed foods, but they are so disgusting I only eat the bread!

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

That University of Chicago School of Public Health statement sounds like something Winston would write in 1984 for the Ministry of Truth. It definitely sounds like it's come from a creative writing class, rather than from a sober-minded science department. Perhaps it got edited into oblivion by sensitivity readers prior to the press release to ensure its ideological purity?

Charles Darwin was a 'race scientist', really?? I thought he was a biologist, but what does a slanderous comment like 'race scientist' even mean, and to a bunch of wokies who see race as intersecting literally everything, why would being one actually be a bad thing? The casual vitriol thrown at a generally well esteemed and famous father of modern science is quite startling.

Then we have the cretinous 'larger bodies' statement. Larger how? Taller? Broader? Stockier? More muscular in a nice Henry Cavill kind of way?? The purification of language here deliberately distorts meaning in a way that undermines what their bullshit is even supposed to tell to their readers about the woke message.

And bonus points for stuffing in the hilarious "controlling women through temperance" - haha! Never thought I'd hear a supposed 'School of Public Health' imply that women like me should be out binge-drinking just as hard as men do to fight the patriarchy. How utterly insane.

It's increasingly obvious that Ground Zero for all these crybaby cultural revolutionaries is the universities. I hope the poisonous graduates of these schools never infect the actual job market and employers have the good sense to recognise how dangerous it would be to bring such witch-finder generals into their hard-working businesses.

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Right. It reads as if someone made it up to mock them, but unfortunately that isn't the case.

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I do wonder if they used the new AI-powered Bing to do their research. It's been proven to make stuff up if it doesn't know the answer. It reads like chatbot speak anyway.

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Mar 25, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

Charles Darwin the race scientist?

I guess the Chicago University will soon be announcing that the earth is flat, Neil Armstrong (being a white man) lied about landing on the moon and bears use lavatories rather than the woods.

I first started noticing how fat people were getting in the 1990s. Not just a bit plump but all out obese. Not sure what happened - did everyone in the 1990s forget how to cook or was there an explosion of cheap takeaway and ready meals?

Rich men used to like to have fat wives because it showed they didn't have to work and could just lounge about eating. Now it's the opposite! Rich men now have botoxed skinny women as wives and poverty line men are fat and have fat wives and children. Proving the price of processed food is too low!

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

While processed foods and carbohydrate-rich diets play an obvious role, there's a rather disturbing theory that the sharp rise in obesity is more fundamentally linked to the massive increase in glyphosate weedkillers used in the agricultural sector. Usage of 'Roundup' started spiking in the US in the 90s, before increasing worldwide - and as it spreads so too do human waislines and a plethora of other modern illnesses: diabetes, allergies, food intolerances, autism, etc.

It's theorised (with some supporting evidence) that glyphosate sterilises the human gut (similar to how it sterilises and harms the soil in general) and creates a cascade of dangerous biochemical changes as the gut wall becomes attacked and the ratio of good:bad bacteria that support human biophysical functioning decreases.

If you're interested check out Dr Zach Bush's glyphosate videos on you tube. Such theorising and scientific enquiry is obviously wrongthink and 'conspiracy theory', but the correlation between the explosion of human ill health and proliferation of this extremely profitable weedkiller are shocking.

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