Feb 21, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

Hold onto the printed versions of all the great literature and history of the world because you can bet that they've got Chat GPT working overtime to erase or rewrite everything that's in the Cloud.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

Well let's hope that market forces prevail and nobody buys these "sanitised" versions. Maybe that will end this silliness.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

They're taking the essence of what makes Dahl so brilliant and destroying it which seems to be what the 'woke', anti-human agenda is all about. Only one bland voice and opinion is allowed.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

The dumb thing is, if The Guardian and the Keepers of the Cleansing Flame don't like what Dahl wrote, or Kipling or anyone else, they don't have to read it. Just like nobody is forced to watch TV if they don't like what's on.

The cleansing and changing and simplifying of literature has been going on for a while and people make a fuss who remember the original and then nobody notices. Anyone been to see a Shakespeare play recently where it was played as he wrote it and Ophelia wasn't in a nightdress with bare feet and Henry V wasn't fighting with a machine gun or Richard III calling for a horse from the top of a tank?

Plays that have to have characters played in ways the author never wrote. Books that have the complicated bits taken out or have warning stickers on the front. Old TV shows with warnings about how they might offend.

All for people with sponges for brains who don't know what it was like before the cleansing started.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

I was not liking the direction language was going even before this "inclusive" nonsense took hold. People say they are "jealous" when what they really are is envious. Any coincidence qualifies as "ironic." When reporters and photographers show up, we're told "the media is here." I wonder what kind of bread they'd use for my Subway sandwich if I told them I wanted "quite pale." At the rate this is going, it won't be long before every word means the same thing as every other word, so we have to go back to grunting and pointing. Actually, for Kamala Harris that might be an improvement.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

Notice: Reality Has Been Cancelled. The new reality is the fulfilment of all your toxic narcissistic fantasies. We make mentally unstable sociopathy fun. Join the Metaverse today.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

The Guardian and it's flaccid readership will rapidly wilt when the Brave New Open Borders Britain they advocate for turns its teeth on them.

They will long for the days when some muscular Roald Dahl prose was the nearest they got to a visceral experience.

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I am incensed!!

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Hi Thorsteinn, OTN is also quite skeptical over COVID claims so please take this well. Your DS piece on the AAP 'misinformation' about Denmark/Norway would be best taken down or drastically altered. The Danish website literally does say, a little lower than the place you looked, "The Danish Health Authority continues to recommend that persons who have not been vaccinated be vaccinated with the 1st and 2nd injections. This also applies for people younger than 50, as there may be a certain risk of serious illness if you are not vaccinated." Always keen on exposing media BS, that's our thing, but this ain't it.

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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023Author

Thanks for pointing this out. The thing is, that this statement is not to be found in the Danish version of the site, which makes me suspect this may be obsolete, as we must assume that version to be the original. I have written to the Danish health authority asking for an explanation of this discrepancy in their information.

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Well that would be an interesting plot twist. However, this still is not a good look as the AAP can be expected to use the English version, and it was correct at time of writing. So it would be harsh to accuse them of fake news even if your suspicion turns out to be correct. Plenty other instances of fake news for us to point out.

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We'll see what the Danish say. AAP claim to have this information directly from the Sundhedsstyrelsen. And the two other statements they made, regarding age and booster availability are both false.

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Please keep us updated, as that would be interesting news in itself! But I do encourage you to take the piece down, as the claim of misinformation here seems exaggerated, even if your suspicion is correct. It's not some random website, it's the same website you and the AAP link to, English version, just lower down on the very same page. And looking at your quoted bit more closely, the context, it is clear to me that these are the groups it is *offered* to, freely. Yes, the English word here is recommended but the context is all about what is freely offered. Later on the same page it makes clear that it is *recommended* that basically every one have the double dose, even the young. Not much more I can add, this is what I see. Good luck with the Danish and please keep us updated. It would already be huge news and progress if they really did stop recommending the jabs to all.

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And I always thought that Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 was just a novel...

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