Aug 29, 2023·edited Aug 29, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

My present cynical take on this is that while many trans activists are just aggressive confused individuals, if you look big picture and at all the social institutions backing this there is likely a political motivation for this in that if you get a large percentage of a population confused on such a BASIC matter as one’s sexual identity that population will be much easier to manipulate... They will believe ANYTHING...

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I should like to partially retract what I said above. I guess I've become even more cynical and would add that the concept of "sexual identity" is of no scientific value and should be dropped in the trash can. If in conversations with LGBTQ+ propagandists (or devotees) one were to demand excluding all reference to "sexual identity" in favour of "biological identity", then this would immediately expose the "sexual identity" concept for what it is, nothing more than an ideological tool... One should not be at all surprised that trans propagandists would never accept dropping such an ideologically useful concept...

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

This is the true pandemic, and an incredibly infectious virus, at that.

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

Another very interestingly presented, sensible post with excellent examples supporting your position, Thorsteinn. Well done.

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The trans "revolution is cleary far more than just another gravy train for the biomedical industrial complex. It is calculated to hasten the transformation of humanity from an animal species into a race of transhuman cyborgs programmed to do their technocratic masters' bidding.

Anybody who doubts this should read the published work of Klaus Schwab, Elon Musk, Noval Harari and the rest of the psychopaths who openly boast of having the digital keys to mankind's servile future in their cold, murderous hands.

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I honestly think that this is a non issue. Many people going through puberty like to have sex and are not very fussy about who they have sex with. Society does not want or encourage young people to have sex.

The result is obvious.

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Children going through puberty are as young as 9 or as old as 14 years old. They are not "having sex" and certainly not indiscriminately, as you claim, at least not in the civilized nations of the Western World. Children in that age group are protected by their parents.

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By protected do you really mean wrapped in cotton wool?

Last time I saw the statistics, about a third of all under 16 years old girls in the UK claimed to have had sexual intercourse. Now, they might not have been telling the truth, I don't know. Are we in denial?

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NO. I mean protected from corruption and from predators. Anything less is parenting failure.

Those generalized statistics you mention likely reflect the inferior moral character of your country's immigrant population.

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I'm a parent: what am I supposed to do, lock up my daughters, LOL? My figures are rather historic and from memory, so things may have changed since. If anything the majority of new Muslim immigrant parents are probably far more morally strict and upright than the indigenes.

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No one with average intelligence or better, self-respect, impulse control, parental guidance, and a proper moral foundation provided by their parents and trustworthy teachers needs to be "locked up" to make good judgments about their own health, safety, and reputation.

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Oh dear, that sounds like a very dull child!

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