Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

Thanks for reporting this. Of course I have no idea what motivated him to come to his senses, and of course, better late than never. But I wouldn't want to be in his shoes. Having fallen for the con, and having so egregiously attacked the human rights of fellow citizens was, in two words, extremely stupid-- and there it is, on the public record.

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Relatedly: One of many testimonies of heart damage-- so many-- I just happened to finish transcribing this one yesterday:

Andy - Jab Injuries Australia

February 12, 2023




ANDY: My name's Andy Barry Brown*. I'm 33 and I am an actor and also I work as a jeweler part time. Career-wise, I mean, I was working full-time so I was pretty busy and then also I was exercising. I had a pretty active social life as well and yeah, I probably was most, like, fit I've ever been in my my whole life, so. Yeah.

I got two AstraZenecas. First one I got early August and then the second one I got late September. I guess I just wanted to get out of lockdown, like everyone else, you know, I think we were like on our 8th lockdown. And yeah, I just wanted to kind of do my part so that we can get out of it and I honestly thought that if everyone else is doing it then it must be OK. I really didn't have any reservations about it being not safe.

I had no immediate reaction from my first one. And I went back to doing all the workouts and stuff. I think it was kind of just before I got my second I noticed kind of like a bit of pain in my arms and I think that was maybe like poor circulation or something. And I noticed just kind of a bit of a general fatigue and I thought I was coming down with something, like I might be a bit sick.

And my second one I'd say about 24 hours after that, I was in bed and my heart rate just went through the roof. I had a lot of palpitations and a lot of pain. I was really hot and this was in the middle of wintertime and I remember just thinking, OK, well, the vaccine's doing it's job. That's what we were told.

I probably should have gone to the hospital. But I stupidly just thought, it's so inconvenient, I'm going to get down there and they're going to go, you're an idiot, like, nothing's wrong with you. So I just thought I'm going to wait it out. I ended up having to sleep on the floor. Like, that's what animals do when they're about to die, they find like a cold place on the floor, like, you know, that's how like, it's so stupid now I'm thinking about it, like, I should have definitely gone to the hospital. Yeah, and I couldn't sleep and I just felt like I was going to have a heart attack. And for some reason I just didn't bother asking for help. I thought, well, this is normal.

I think if that messaging wasn't there in the media, in social media from the, you know, the federal government or the health agencies saying that it's normal to have flu-like symptoms or whatever after you've had a vaccine, I probably would have gone straight to the hospital.

I didn't immediately attribute it to the vaccine but I was like 99% sure it was, but just in case, I thought, go to the GP. They looked at everything and they thought I was fine. They you know obviously did the pathology, the blood work, and some basic tests like X-ray. Everything came up clear. They suggested it might be in my head.

I felt, yeah, pretty disheartened, pretty disappointed that someone who studied medicine would give me such a ignorant answer. You might be dealing with a single mom who's got kids, who's vaccine injured, or an elderly person and I'd hate to think what would happen if they were told that and what the repercussions of that would be because there's a lot of vulnerable people out there. A lot more vulnerable than I am.

That first month was pretty rough. I had symptoms like, like that, just the fast heart rate and palpitations, not being able to breathe properly and just that sharp pain the chest.

I think I went to the GP maybe like 20 times I think in that month. And then in terms of tests, I mean I've done probably over 30 blood tests, lung tests, walking tests, halter monitors, ECGs. These are all multiples. I've done stress tests like running tests with all the ECG stuff hooked up. I've done multiple X-rays so I've done ECGs, VQ CT, cardiac MRI. Probably too many X-rays to do in one year but I was adamant that I wanted to find out what it was.

I was given prednisolone** and [inaudible] which is standard for cardiologists to prescribe. The prednisolone is pretty toxic and I was taking 50 milligrams of that and I was very aggressive. I ended up breaking my left hand just out of anger in my car, just started punching my roof and I fractured that part. So that was another thing I had to deal with.

And then immediately afterwards I weaned off the prednisolone because I thought this is making me worse. And now I'm just completely off pharmaceuticals because I, I, I think they do more harm than good. I am basically all on just on natural herb supplements.

Doctors think that I might have either tachycardia or myocarditis or pericarditis or something like an autonomic nerve disfunction which sets off the heart rate. I've currently got chest pains, I can't breathe properly, I've got heart palpitations and I can't walk upstairs without being out of breath.

My body will often shock itself awake. So it's kind of a feeling of like when you don't sometimes you don't breathe properly at night your body wakes itself up. It's similar to that.

I have weird muscle spasms and just like weird pains, numbness, and it's very random and arbitrary.

Forgetfulness. Just very foggy memory. Forget stuff at work all the time.

I had a lung function specialist early on say that, we definitely can see something that's wrong with you. Your heart rate shouldn't be that high when you're walking around and we can see you're not getting enough oxygen to your heart and to your lungs. But we don't know why.

I don't think I've gotten any validation. And no one's ever said it, no one's ever really put it on paper, it's always been suspected. But they're very cautious about doing that. They say it in a way, that's like, it's a theory, rather than, it's a vaccine injury.

It's the elephant in the room that we need to address. It's the vaccine injury. Like, stop going off here and thinking it's this or that. Its like, I'm telling you what it is and you need to, like, believe me. I have all of my 30, 40 different documents, all my test results, like, I've got it all and I'm giving to you. Like, I'm helping you.

I had covid early this year. I think it was like March, April. And I think that made me worse. I think all the spike protein that's in the AstraZeneca, and it's also in the virus, I think after I had covid, I, I just I couldn't, I have to sleep upright now. Before I could sleep on my side, I'd have a bit of pain but I could just, you know, get through it. And now it's like I have to sleep upright. So I feel like I've gone a bit backwards.

But yeah, I'd say throughout the whole year I've been sick, it's been pretty consistent. I'm not getting any better, but I'm not getting any worse. But I'll have random symptoms from time to time.

I think because of all the media stuff I can see why people are a bit, I don't want to say brainwashed but they're a bit biased in their opinion. It's definitely made me a bit less trustful of of people, so I tend to not say much about it anymore, unless it's brought up in conversation, I feel comfortable to bring it up I will, if not, I won't say anything because I'd like to just pretend that I'm fine.

Financially I had to give up my apartment to basically pay for all the medical expenses because none of its covered by Medicare or private health. And the vaccination injury compensation scheme is an absolute joke. They've had probably about thousands of people submit their applications, it's 250 pages by the way, and I think only 10 have been processed. So I've got no chance. I'll never see that money again.

Physically or actively I just, I can't do anything, you know. I can't have relationships. Yeah. I can't go hiking. I can't do normal things. Yeah, it really sucks because, yeah, I just want to be healthy and just go back to the gym and go for a run and do all that stuff I was doing before. So yeah, it's pretty sh*t. But hopefully I'll get better. But yeah. I try to remain positive, but some days you're just like [shakes head, no.]

There was a long period where there was no support, there was no help. So I found a group on FaceBook that had vaccine injured people like myself. I think as I went along I found more groups like react.19, Jab Injuries Australia. That's kind of what kept me going, is that there's other people that that do want help.

And then yeah, just friends and family who're very supportive. I'm very grateful for that. So that's that's a positive thing.

I guess the message I want to give to the medical profession is to just remember your Hippocratic Oath is to your patient, it's to do no harm. And it's also to inform your patient of the risk benefit when it comes to vaccines. And yeah, I think it's your responsibility to be to be honest and and open with them.

And I guess my message to everyone else who's not, I guess whether you're vaccine injured or not, is to just kind of have an open mind and an open heart when people tell you that they're vaccine injured. And just believe them when they tell you that because they have nothing to gain by telling you but they've got probably everything to lose by by telling you that because there's so much stigma around this at the moment. And we may seem like we're OK but we're not.


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absolutely horrifying, like so many of the other (un)told stories. big TQ for all the work you do and post, Transcriber B!

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Thanks for your important work transcribing these testimonials. Please keep your transcriptions in a safe place. Many things have already been blocked/removed from the internet. It's happening frequently.

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Thanks for your kind words, Alice P. Liddell.

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#   #   #


* I have been unable to verify the spelling of his last name.

** From https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/prednisolone :

"Prednisolone is a medicine that belongs to a group of medicines called corticosteroids.

- Prednisolone helps reduce inflammation in your body, treating many conditions, but not curing them.

- Prednisolone is commonly used to treat some types of arthritis, asthma, skin problems and autoimmune diseases.

- If you take prednisolone for a long time, especially at a high dose, you may experience significant side effects.

- If you want or need to stop taking prednisolone, ask your doctor how to reduce the dose gradually to avoid serious side effects."

This webpage also notes that its several side effects include irritability.

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Thanks for sharing this story. One more awakened soul. I hate it has to happen this way. BTDT with my two kids. Took two harms, vax for one and steroids for the other to fully awake me.

Yes those steroids are EVIL. My kid's dr warned me that the mood swings would be awful with my kids. His wife always wanted to divorce him when he was on them he joked. Trying to make it okay. Anyone using steroids needs to look to ITSAN.org. They affect the entire body system. My 3yo ended up with a heart murmur, HPA Axis Suppression, hearing loss, albumin loss, and fully body swelling and red itchy skin 22 hrs a day after using a quarter sized amount of topical steroid on the tops of his feet as directed for mild eczema. Took 7 years to resolve all symptoms and get him back to fully functional. The first 3.5 yrs were the worst. He was doing great, even growing again, then the spike shedding started which reactivated some of his symptoms. It's been a roller coaster.

Vax we have the same story as most parents... 4 month old shots, high fever, full body hives, encephalytic scream, pass out (so thankful he didn't die of SIDS that night!) and then seizures started shortly after. seizures resolved at around 4yo finally. still lots of sensory and behavioral challenges we had to work through and get specialty help with. But he's a competent 16yo now.

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Please check out FLCCC.net. Dr. Pierre Kory is trying to help the vaccine injured. You can also register to watch their weekly webinar.

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Eighth paragraph: "I was given prednisolone** and [inaudible] "

I think he says Colchicine

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He didn't fall for the con he fell for the money.

These admissions make me sick. Guys like this should be allowed their mea culpas from behind bars. They were gauleiters for a mass criminal action that killed millions and ruined millions more lives.

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To clarify: I wouldn't say that falling for the con was necessarily in itself extremely stupid, certainly not for the average person; but for someone with scientific training it was. What was really stupid, and one form of stupidity is cruelty, was attacking those who refused-- or as some say, "politely declined the offer of"-- the injections.

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I would ascribe to stupidity to anyone who fell for the Scam. Or at least extreme gullibility.

I'm not sure where the line between those two is.

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I'm inclined to agree with you, Mark, but I'm not quite there. I have some friends and relatives who fell for the con, but they are not stupid people nor extremely gullible people. With the jabs, however, they were gullible, and they did do something stupid. As I see it, the strangeness and suddenness of covidian narrative, the tsunami of psy ops, threw them off balance and swept their common sense and sense of self-preservation out to sea. They all took the jabs. So they were gulilble in this instance, but in their lives generally, not extremely so. But they were gullible in an extremely dangerous situation. The word extreme does belong in there.

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Fear might be the most potent modifier of behavior...including the habit of thinking critically about new information

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How do your friends and family feel about their decisions now?

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Incentive pay.

The answer is ALWAYS " FOLLOW THE MONEY " !

Look at this guys bank accts., it will give you the answer for which you are looking. If it doesn't, they have some strong black mail on him.

Human psychology is NOT ROCKET Science and it has repeated for all of human history.

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It was common sense to avoid the injections and realize it was a scam. The majority of African, South American countries and Caribbean Islands, India, etc etc avoided the injections like the plague.

Often the Leaders of countries who avoided the Injection ( not a vaccine ) imports were assassinated. Ie Haiti, Tanzania

The Evil Globalists retribution ....

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There were/are huge extremes within the same continent. If you believe the figures Bulgaria is 30% jabbed but in Portugal it's >90%

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no forgiveness is deserved, he and those like him need to be tried and hanged.

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Yes Kevin it's a crime of the highest magnitude, especially against children and other helpless members of humanity. They will not pay for their crimes until they meet the Lord Jesus Christ, but in this life they will kill as many of us as they can, and be rewarded with expensive cars and houses and the most degenerate sex their position can afford.

All who have ears to hear, eyes to see, this is the rollout of the Satanic Agenda and it Will Get Worse, these are the beginnings, the birth pangs Christ told His disciples about in Matthew Chapter 24.

Turn in Repentance to Jesus for forgiveness of sins and receive eternal life, if you haven't. If you have, Trust Him Alone, Fear and Love The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, place All your Faith in Jesus( without Faith it is impossible to please God.

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Was it stupid or intentional? I still have my doubts. What could have made so many scientists turn on humanity like they did? Promised power? Money? Blackmail? Or just evil? One of these “scientists” needs to step forward with the truth. To help prevent it from happening again - CNN line with climate change or leprosy in Florida!

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Grants, nothing but grants...to further their wondrous research.

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Not stupid. Compromised.

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Aug 4, 2023·edited Aug 4, 2023

Nazi, Psycho is the answer. Punish him accordingly.

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At least he finally admits it. Our “leaders” here in the USA plow on with the soon to be roll out of an “XBB variant vaccine” that will obsolete before it goes into arms, I mean, every cell in the body! Ugh.

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Undoubtedly someone in his sphere croaked or was injured!!

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I have no argument with the bulk of what you say, here and elsewhere. However, one point needs emphasis. The actions he, and people like him, supported are inexcusable even if the hype had been true! Taking away people's rights is not justifiable on any basis, scientific or otherwise. Simply put, even if the vaccines had been perfect, there was no moral justification to force people to take them.

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1,000% agree with you on that!

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One thing for sure is that Iceland has been one of the top Countries in the world, if not the best. How they could let this little slug, this punk little worm, mouth off without wringing him out like a dishrag is beyond me.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

It's easy to see what motivated someone who is a founder and CEO of the Icelandic biotechnology company deCODE to quickly understand the profitability of promoting mRNA gene therapy injections.

A clever fellow like himself could possibly see the handwriting on the wall and sense the aggrieved public sentiment towards his healthcare policies. However, it's more likely that the crafty CEO got cut out of a lucrative big pharma deal.

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They’re scammers and charlatans.

Pretending they know things they do not.

Scientists and MDs were elevated within society as part of a very well funded and intentional media campaign …for decades!

And most of us fell for the marketing… until covid revealed their true agenda. To make money off all of us.

We are the product today.

Maybe he had a moment of conscience… or maybe he just feared cancellation for himself.

These scientists and MDs blow wherever the money takes them. That’s science today.

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I would hasten to suggest a tiny clarification: The WRONG "[s]cientists and MDs were elevated within society . . . " [Smile.]

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Live to fight another day, as all cunning con artists instinctually figure out a way.

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Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

claiming, contrary to all evidence,...that the outbreak of Covid-19 at first looked like the “first chapter in the extermination of humanity”


It is completely irrational to believe that a virus, even an engineered one, would lead to extermination. Advances in sanitation and hygiene have made infectious diseases one of the least worrisome threats. I'd worry far more about nuclear war, environmental degradation, dysgenic reproduction, the accumulation of chemicals, the rise in obesity/autism/etc. How many people died in the 20th century from political purges or wars, and how many died from viral pandemics?

The simple truth is that you would never have noticed this 'pandemic' but for the hype. Almost all of the people who allegedly died from the virus had multiple comorbidities. They were also over life expectancy, meaning that they were largely out of the workforce. Sure, your grandma might have passed away, but she wasn't likely to be flying an airplane or working on an oil rig. The damage was done by the insane, evil lockdowns.

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I wonder how much influence popular films and series have had in pre-programming people about how to behave in a situation like this? Most of the people (the actors) involved in finding solutions to these fictional cinematic catastrophes come across as totally unhinged and irrational, in my view, to the point of displaying almost psychotic even psychopathic tendencies. So, where does that differ from reality? Are they, in their minds, gung ho crusaders come to save humanity and to do that they have to do unpopular things or did they just take the dollars after a few private calls with some shadowy figures pulling strings? I would plump for the latter.

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He forgot to include the following in his comment: “……..also, nobody over the age of 50 should be vaccinated”.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

I don't read Icelandic, but this describes the death of his wife in 2021:


Is there a link? Did he think she died from being infected by others so he wanted any unjabbed to be punished? Has he had an epiphany and now realizes his wife probably died from the jab? Just speculation, but whatever happens closest to home hits hardest.

An interesting aside I picked up in his bio is that his daughter married George Harrison's son. So he is very connected.

And his lifelong work in genetics connects him to a lot of very well-connected investors, academics and leaders, even played a parody of himself in a film casting him as an evil scientist manipulating genes. Did you know that Jeffrey Epstein was an avid eugenics proponent? And funded eugenicists and genomics, a term often used interchangeably with those squeamish about the history of eugenics. Epstein was connected to Harvard, where Stefánsson also has connections, where he funded eugenics researchers. Epstein even was a professor of psychology there, without a degree in psychology. Very connected. With his connections to jet-setters like former Beatles family members maybe Dr. Stefánsson's name is somewhere in Jeffrey Epstein's little black book or visitor log? Maybe that's why he had his sudden reversal in 2020?

Ahhh, the idle speculation that the evils of the pandemic response evokes, trying to search for hidden answers to questions not asked or answered. The tangled webs and intrigues that a world beset by deception and harms inflicted for no good reason will indulge. Those of us raising these types of scandalous concerns aren't to blame for our impertinence. They've lied about so much and destroyed so many. Without justification or apology. We can only presume the most nefarious motivations after so many lies.

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I have not seen anyone suggest his wife died from the jab. In fact I think she had been seriously ill for a long time when she died. But he is very well connected as you say. And powerful. The company he founded and now manages, deCODE genetics has had more or less everyone in healthcare here on its payroll, through direct employment or research projects.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

I suppose everyone over 50 should be vaccinated and just drop dead? In your dreams Hotez.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

As Transcriber B says, better late than never. But still, how embarrassing. Also only the under 50s? Aren’t the severe adverse events hitting all ages? Or is it a way to still appear “scientific”?

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Yes it is a way to pretend he just got the ages a bit too low. There is not and never has been anything to be gained from injecting anyone with that poison and that criminal knows it but is still willing to condemn over 50's to continue being poisoned by his big pharma funders. My disgust at that individual and millions in the medical "profession" like him knows no bounds.

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Concur on all counts.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

How about he's suddenly worried that it might be obvious he was on the wrong side of history? That he originally thought covid was nothing special then, probably without really changing his mind, he jumped on the plague bandwagon and became famous, carried on being famous through the initial jabbing then began to realise that, when the jabs started being obviously useless and dangerous, people might turn and point at him so he's now jumped on the "I knew all along we should have been more cautious about the jabs but the lockdowns were sensible" bandwagon. Do people still listen to him?

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It is amazing how long people keep listening to those they've decided to believe in.

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It's easier to fool a man than convince him he's been fooled - Mark Twain

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Amazing and depressing!

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This is still hogwash! No one should be taking big pharma death "Vaccinations" of any kind, especially mRNA depopulation, slow-kill-bioweapon shots. PERIOD.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

Nazi. Psycho

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

He knew from the start and he knew all the way through.

He had his motive$.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

We really need an open database of vax promoters so they can be ignored next time.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

“first chapter in the extermination of humanity”. NOT EVER did it look like this. Even Pelosi said it was no big deal and it was just Trump racism (before radically flip flopping 2 weeks later due to politics, not science. The cruise ship proved it was nothing at the outset.

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Whitty, UK, said at first it was nothing to worry about, 80% of population wouldn't even notice, then he flip flopped. I don't believe Boris even was ill, just a psyop. No proof of isolated sample anywhere in world so how can there be variants of something none existent? New 5g on cruseship. EMF poisoning similar to flu sypmtoms. Bit late in year for flu too but where did flu go for 2 years? All tests made from computer sequences, and no samples from any patients had enough "virus" to get a complete genome! So, how can anyone infect anyone else? Virology is pseudo science.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

Money was paid to all those who pushed the poison, once the money has run out they are now starting to tell the truth.

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

He clearly drank heartily from the cup of stupid.......☘️

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

Maybe they stopped handing him money to promote the Clot Shot?

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