Absolutely concur. I have also been through the wringer with them. They no longer benefit from any measure of credibility. They are little more than a mouthpiece for the left. I am actually hoping to see them go out of business once there is a viable challenger worthy of the title. Up until now there has been precious little competition to this left wing authoritarian social media supported agenda. One would think that after having suffered under such authoritarian leftist regimes for over 2 years people would have wised up. This is history repeating itself on a digital level.

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I would love to see them go out of business. The business value in this is minimal, at least in my experience. I've used it for covid-madness resistance for the past two years. When people wake up I don't know. I fear they won't until they feel the true consequences on their own skin. The sad thing is many will succumb to despair and poverty and millions will die from hunger.

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Wow, those "community guidelines" confirm everything I certainly took to be true, what a giveaway! It's as if you need to revise for a sceptic test and they've provided a super succinct crib sheet. All the cliches come running, Orwell....lies = truth, freedom = slavery, ignorance = strength; Arendt.... people no longer believe anything.... like you say, so much is out there to contradict their words. So, we know it's not about "health," and we know it's not about "truth." Like I say elsewhere....all of them witches.

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Yes, it is not about health and it is not about truth. It is about something else and I'm at loss to what it is really.

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I find linkedin to be the most offensive of the social media platforms with regards to censorship and political bias. I have had my account suspended numerous times, the last time permanently, for posting non-inflammatory comments related to covid policy, vaccination, masks. etc. Everything I posted was supported by publications or public data. I will cheer-on the investigations and hope for swift and severe punishment when we have sensible people in power again.

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Yes Linkdin has too far crossed the censorship line. That is why platforms like wimkedin and others are springing up now.

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Sad to read this!

You have my full support!

From Canada!👋🏾

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Thanks Yannick!

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Absolutely. I fear that the digital contagion plays a significant role in the process of desensitization. People have become largely unconscious and unresponsive to the changes around them. They are caught in an artificial, parallel universe where the only thing that matters is instant gratification and how many "likes" they are receiving. I honestly believe , given the choice and an available time machine, many would transport back to a calmer more sane period of time. One step forward, ten steps back. Education has become little more than a platform for dissemination a self destructive revisionist agenda replete with lies, and misinformation, and propaganda. the world is both upside down and morally bankrupt. It is, nevertheless, refreshing and uplifting to know, that there are others like ourselves out there. The fact that there is still a strong and supportive presence of free-thinking individuals who question the woke agenda its hopeless futility, and its authoritarian oppression disguised as benevolent generosity. I appreciate your efforts.

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Do you have any updates on your suspension/termination?

Do you know of anyone pursuing legal action?? As you noted LinkedIn sucks, but even now 2 years later there is no competitor that I know of.

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