Sep 4, 2022Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

The USA has thousands of universities. Attend one that has not been bought and paid for. Why would anyone want to go to a university that is so obviously ill informed? The data is in, masks do not work. Now if those school officials choose to wear masks covered in bacteria and fungi, then do so. Forcing any student to perform any action that could harm them is illegal. Hope just one or two rich parents who really want their kid to attend Berkeley, obtains legal counsel and files a lawsuit against Berkeley. One or two of these suits may just get Berkeley’s attention. If not, find another university, there are so many.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

Wow. We don’t even need to look at the abolishment of admissions tests. These cretinous “universities” (I mean endowment cash flow centers) are selecting for the stupidest possible student body.

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The day I take as a litmus test anything done by The People's Republic of Berkeleystan as indicative of anything but extreme nutbag goofiness, will be the day I campaign for Kamala Harris.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

"Free floating anxiety" needed something to attach itself to.

According to Matthias Desmet, people were already rather anxious in a vague sort of way about anything and everything. Covid gave them a Thing to attach the anxiety to. Now that's proved benign they have to find something else. Masks are like comfort blankets to the anxious. They believed in the Power of the Mask to stop a virus so logically it can stop any virus so it makes sense (to them) to wear one against flu. If the authorities had chosen a rabbit's foot in the pocket against covid they would all be clutching it now against the flu.

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People go mad in crowds, but only recover one by one...

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

It’s my sincere belief (could be wrong) that the new flu &/or combined flu-wuflu untested mRNA jabs will contain as bad or worse than what’s jabbing now. By “mandating” flu shots now under such circumstances, it’s just ongoing ways to get the poison to cull the herd

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I agree with you, although I sincerely do not want to. Perhaps this decision by Berkeley is the first step. The main issue is this: The fear is still alive, and as we saw in 2020, the less deadly the threat becomes, the stronger the fear.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

I agree w/ you too. And there are many authors & comments on these substack pages that I kind of hate to “like” too, but it comes down to support for common understanding, perhaps.

But after all this time & w/ all of the diabolical “bad” about all of it - lockdowns, jabs, masks - now coming out, how can so many still be afraid, how can so many still not SEE it? I’m baffled. I really wonder what it is that makes us wired differently. Of course it’s common sense, suspicion, rational thought, street-smart intelligence & the like, but I probably know more covidiots of my boomer generation than ones like me.

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Remember Cindi, in the Third Reich it lasted over a decade.

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

And I believe the gulag & all of that in the USSR was even longer.

I can tell you that I am terrified too - but of the people “in charge”, their plans for us, the deliberately manufactured gas, food & other shortages, cratering economies, ad nauseum. The “virus” the rest are cowering from is nothing to me. And I had pneumonia over Christmas & was on O2 for almost 3 weeks. That only hardened my resolve I’ll never believe any of thus bullshit

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Indeed, you are probably correct. But fortunately, no mRNA flu shots are commercially available yet, though it won't be long before they are.

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I’ve heard they’re on the way & again, there will be no studies at all or extremely limited. And for all sorts of medicinals, & that they see mRNA as the “cure” for all sorts of things from flu to cancer. But after the last 2.5 years I would not trust anything they would try to shoot into me or shove up my nose to be anything but malevolent poison, whether they claim it’s an inoculous flu shot or whatever.

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Indeed. I hear they are also trying to cook up one for RSV as well, possibly even this fall. Never mind that the last time they tried to make an RSV vaccine, even a traditional one, in the 1960s it was a disaster which backfired mightily via ADE. They never learn, do they?

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I guess it’s not a matter of stumbling along trying to make something for good but deliberately make something for very, very bad.

At the risk of sounding like a nut, I’ve even seen articles that claim they’ll put the mRNA shit into water or food. How do we generally surmount that?

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That's a good way to put it. As for them putting mRNA into water or food, I am not sure how to get around that. For example, for water, is there any filter that would remove it, for example?

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No clue & it’s that really nefarious shit that concerns me. It’s the same w/ adding “cricket flour” to things like regular flour or bread or crackers, etc 🤬🤢

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Sep 4, 2022Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

Does this replace the yellow stars ? So what’s next ?

This is not only discrimination but also the preamble to the mark of the beast

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Between Wokism and the Covidian Cult there is no escape from insanity.

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While the rest of the world is treating Covid like the flu now, UC Berkeley and perhaps other pockets of nuttery are apparently treating the flu like Covid.

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I say follow the money.

In 2018 the CCP gave Harvard University alone $943.000.000 or almost one billion dollars.

Similar amounts were given to other to universities in the USA. This has been going on for years.

Not to mention Dr Charles Lieber, former Harvard professor and his activities with the CCP and later arrest.

In 2018 there was a lawsuit on behalf of Asians against Harvard affirmative action. These affirmative action lawsuits are ongoing.

Klaus Schwab and the WEF has been working with the CCP since the late 1970's.

The Chinese have been infiltrating the USA in every corner for the past 20 to 40 years.

I said after 9/11 America would be attacked in such a way that they never knew what hit them, with biowarfare.

According to Dr Naomi Wolf the CCP has been infiltrating the USA government for years.

The Chinese have been buying massive amounts of land around the globe, South America, Australia, Asia, Canada, Africa and the USA.

Where I live in the mecca of education in the USA the brainwashing is incredible.

The large buildings with huge population of Chinese they're all still masked.

Considering I live in a walking distance from pfizer and moderna and mere 12 minute drive from the CDCs directors house the brainwashing here is tangible.

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