Nov 14, 2022Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

It's anti-Enlightenment. We are hastening into the Digital Dark Ages where words are redefined on the screen in seconds, AI is harvesting the great works of artists and thinkers of our times to deliver an approximation of truth and beauty and our private views are either rendered into content or worse... dissoled in the Cloud.

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

It’s all so depressingly demented, unhinged, irrational & lacking in intelligence...since early 2020 & ongoing

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

Love the hand. Amazing amount of brain space devoted to the human hand - man the tool user with so much heart felt sensitivity built into our hands. Look further into hand images in world culture. We need a show of hands.

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Nov 15, 2022Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

An insightful piece.

Isn't it strange how democracies have become authoritarian, exhibiting the same traits as the old communist authoritarians (totalitarian), while the ex-communists like Soviet union / Russ fed now have become like our democracies when they were younger and less corrupted. A role reversal.

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Nov 15, 2022Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

It becomes more important to censor material (that contravenes the current narrative) that turns out to be true - if you follow Facebook's logic and approach.

Truth that undermines the accepted narrative will make readers feel unsafe and threatened.

Thus the more it is true the more it must be censored!

It feels straight out of 1984.

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Aah. But it would make ‘some’ unsafe. Depends on who the ‘some’ are.

Imagine the anger and vengeance seeking of all those made chronically ill, disabled or in mourning if they were able to easily find out the truth. Covid is equal in severity to the influenza. The Govn’ts fudged the numbers and killed off majority of ‘victims’ by locking them up in nursing homes, putting them on ventilators and remdesivar both of which are contraindicated for respiratory viruses, while others were killed with Midazalam and morphine. Oh and those ‘safe and effective’ medical interventions we forced so many into are not safe and are the inverse of effective.

It would be harmful for trust in health authorities, many hospitals and politicians if the truth was out. And maybe their lives if say it was their child killed by heart inflammation or died in their sleep.

Far better to make them believe super fit healthy adults drop dead from never heard of before 2021 ‘sudden death syndrome’.

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This trend is so distressing -- censorship, ostensibly, to prevent people from feeling unsafe. We know it's really to keep them from qustioning the narrative or discovering the truth, but the reliance on "feeling unsafe" to justify the censorship, as if that's a valid reason, is perplexing. Who are these people for whom information is so dangerous as to make them feel unsafe?

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The same people who, when Jordan Peterson was going to speak at their university, gave students who felt "unsafe", colouring books. They feel unsafe because they believe a narrative yet don't have the critical thinking skills to question that narrative or even the understanding to defend it. To prevent them from crying, screaming or running away (when challenged by an opposing, well-articulated and research view, they gave them something to sooth them.

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You know what makes me feel unsafe? It's when Tucker calls our country a DEMOCRACY. And he does that all the time. I guess his preppy education was not all that good. He says America is a DEMOCRACY. And I don't hear him being corrected. So is he CONTROLLED OPPOSITION? It surely looks like it.

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