Nov 18, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

It's so spooky how *all* the health authorities around the world started lying and, nearly 4 years later, are still lying. Do you think the WHO issued a handbook?

It's also depressing how the vast majority of the people are still choosing to believe everything they are told (unless they are told it by someone considered to be a nutty conspiracy theorist, regardless of their experience or qualifications).

It's also interesting that, although the public are still sticking swabs up their noses, rolling their sleeves up for their next booster and insisting that all the dumb things done since 2020 were sensible, logical and vital, they don't seem quite so keen on their politicians or "trusted news source" any more. It's like they are juggling two conflicting beliefs in their heads!

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

that 1/800 figure keeps on cropping up....

I probably know about a thousand people - not closely, but in my wider circle. I 'bumped into' an acquaintance recently, a middle-aged woman I have known for 20 years. She's always kind and cheery, but she looked forty years older, and walked with the aid of crutches.

Without being too personal, I inquired about her health. "Peripheral neuropathy' she responded, with a regretful half-smile.

I didn't even need to ask if she had been vaccinated ...

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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

What an insane picture it is at the top. I wonder how many of those people are dead or dying or have serious Covid "vaccine" injuries.

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Nov 19, 2023·edited Nov 19, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

If the numbers are akin to what I observe in my circles, most them are probably vaccine injured, although they do not connect the injuries to the jabs-- and their doctors most certainly do not. Oh, just some funny rashes, maybe skin cancer, or celiac disease or diabetes or deliblitating leg cramps, frozen shoulder, tendonitis, heavy menstrual bleeding, occasional chest pain, dizziness, tingling in hands, trembling hands, psoriasis, dreadful headaches, persistent diarrhea, ED, clot in left foot, clot in lung. Heart attack. Stroke. Dementia. ALS. That sort of thing. Started all of a sudden in 2021 or 2022. Funny how that is.

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Yes. Yes. They do not make the connection. I am to the point where I see vax injury with almost any new-onset health issue: arthritis, blood pressure, vertigo, mobility issues, and of course the big 3: cancer, heart attacks and strokes. That may be irrational, but it provides a bit of balance since the medical people pretty much dismiss any illness as being brought on by vaccines. There is significant evidence that doctors almost universally refuse to acknowledge vax injuries,

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson

Thanks for your comment, MaryLS. I don't think it's irrational, I think it's just common sense to assume that-- with the caveat, of course, that one cannot know in an individual case with 100% certainty-- chances are, that a health problem that came on suddenly in 2021-2023 after one or more injections of the experimental immune system therapy ("vaccine" so-called) may have been caused by, or exacerbated by said injection(s).

I always leave room in my mind for the fact that I don't know for certain. However, the adverse reactions, while highly varied, fall into basic categories: cardiac, hematological, neurological, and immune system-related, a clear and very telling pattern. In a nutshell: Too many people are getting the same kinds of health problems at the same time.

In addition, the international excess deaths data suggest that something consistently and horrendously wrong started going wrong with the jabs roll out (and basic statistical tools from, oh, say, Statistics 101, take us well beyond "correlation is not causality.") Ditto the VAERS data, which is known to be woefully underreported, is also showing huge spikes in adverse reactions after the jabs roll out.

It has been my experience that those who find it uncomfortable and incovenient to consider any connection between the jabs and these many injuries and deaths are quick to accuse me "seeing injuries everywhere all the time" and of being "obsessed." This seems to make them feel better. Sadly.

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deletedNov 19, 2023Liked by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson
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Unfortunately mortality broken down by vaccination status hasn't been made public.

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do you have data of OVERALL excess mortality in iceland?

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