The Boosters: "We're in Your Hearts"
A new hit by a notorious boys band. They're on tour. Performing at a hospital near you.
“Trust, once lost, is hard to regain. People feel that their medical leaders are withholding basic facts, denying reality, disregarding new information, or worse, causing them harm” say Vinay Prasad and John Mandrola in an illuminating article in The Free Press, about the reason more and more people now turn to the Covid-19 vaccines as the single explanation for sudden deaths among young people.
But we do not know, the authors say, if this is the only reason. While they acknowledge the increased risk of heart disease due to the vaccines is surely part of the explanation, they remind us of other factors, among them the deadly effects of lockdown.
It is however understandable why people turn to this single explanation, they say. The main reason is how health authorities deliberately keep lying. They have brushed off all the concerning evidence regarding side-effects, kept promoting and even enforcing booster uptake among the young and healthy, ignored natural immunity, ignored how vaccination rather increases transmission than decreasing it, refused to acknowledge the huge difference in risk, both from the disease and from the vaccines, based on age, and tried to play down myocarditis as a “mild, self-limited” condition, contrary to all evidence.
Their conclusion: “Because of the continuing failures of our public health officials to discharge their duties properly, it is deeply unfortunate but also understandable that many Americans are turning to Twitter instead of the CDC.”
Thank you so much for this. Puts these losers and serial abusive psychopaths squarely where they belong. Nice work!