Explaining how UN propaganda and censorship works these days, Under-Secretary-General Melissa Fleming described in an interview on October 2nd how their partnership with Google works: “We own the science” she said. “We own the science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do.”
What does this mean? It means science is not a relentless search for explanations. To Fleming and her kind, science is simply about promoting dogma. Scientific conclusions are not based on research, but decided on by politicians and functionaries. And those running the digital infrastructure know how to promote the dogma and prevent discussion. They know how to stop science.
When someone “owns the science” it means there is no science.
In this detailed post, which I recommend reading in full, Meryl Nass provides a chilling example of how you act if you “own the science”.
The Vatican owned The Science for a while, back when 'science' just meant 'knowledge'. It didn't end well.
The arrogance of elitism...